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Behavior Modification

Does your dog bark, growl, lunge or bite? Are they afraid of people, dogs, new places, veterinary or grooming procedures? We can help!


Our training is designed to set you and your dog up for success, keeping everyone safe and comfortable along the way. We know that your dog is a good dog, and are ready to guide you toward a future with more fun and less stress for both you and your dog.

Know there is hope. We can help:

  • Barking and lunging on walks

  • Hiding or shying away from new people

  • Barking, growling, and lunging at visitors

  • Guarding food, toys, or resting places

  • Biting during or avoiding grooming procedures

  • Discomfort with being touched

  • Fear of veterinary procedures

  • Fear of outside or new places

  • General care and keeping of fearful dogs

  • Separation anxiety or fear of being alone

Let's Get Started!

We will begin with an initial 60 minute consultation. This time will be used to get to know each other, discuss problem behaviors and goals, and determine a management strategy- that is, how to mitigate the problem behaviors while we work toward our long-term goals.


This consultation can be done in the comfort of your own home or onlinevia Zoom.


Expect to receive a management plan, initial recommendations, detailed notes, and a recommendation for moving forward with training.


Initial consultation: $100

Happy Dog


Behavior change takes time. After your initial consultation, let's work together to keep you moving forward. Each 60-minute training session will come with personalized notes, homework, and unlimited email support.


4 Sessions: $390

6 Sessions: $580

8 Sessions: $770

10 Sessions: $960

Single Session: $100

Let's Work Together!

Why waste any more time? Let's get started on the journey to a happier life with your best friend.

Dog in Nature
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